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SATX WALI Relaunch: BiblioTech Partner Spotlight
Since the onset of COVID-19, Libraries Without Borders US (LWB US) and our community partners have adapted to the ever-changing circumstances of the pandemic. Creativity proved essential in redesigning programming, from holding virtual community events to delivering critical resources with reduced contact. As the country recovers and businesses fully reopen, LWB US and fellow organizations are working together to safely return to in-person programming.
Today’s spotlight is on local San Antonio partner organization BiblioTech Digital Library as they carefully reimplement in-person programming. BiblioTech Digital Library is the country’s first all-digital library and is driven by their mission to “provide all Bexar County residents technology access to enhance education and literacy, promote reading as recreation, and equip all members of our community with necessary tools to thrive as citizens of the digital age.”
LWB US and BiblioTech have previously worked together in executing our ConnectED Tech Kit program, providing backpacks equipped with a laptop, hotspot, and curated educational resources directly to community members. We distributed ConnectED Kits at the Bibliotech Public Library, equipping San Antonio residents with access to information and technology throughout the pandemic. As of now, as infection rates decline and vaccination rates increase, LWB US has successfully relaunched the Wash and Learn Initiative (WALI) in San Antonio with the help of BiblioTech Digital Library, and we are now able to safely provide in-person library services once again.
Before COVID-19, BiblioTech Digital Library held weekly in-person meetings and gave presentations at various schools to inform families about BiblioTech’s resources. Their events ranged from healthy cooking classes to a coding club for girls, storytimes, virtual reality days, and more. In adhering to pandemic safety procedures, BiblioTech shifted their focus to Zoom meets, online presentations, social media promotion, and BiblioTech Connect van canvassing. Through these means, they were able to continue providing essential services while following COVID-19 protocols.
BiblioTech Digital Library maintains their online events while also carefully shifting gears towards more in-person programming. Their focus remains on BiblioTech Connect van canvassing and online presentations, but they are returning to outdoor table and pop-up events as well. BiblioTech continues in their diligent efforts to keep their patrons safe by hosting outdoor events and encouraging hand sanitizer and mask use.
Together, LWB US, BiblioTech Digital Library, and like-minded organizations are working to make sure that communities remain connected to critical resources. In doing so, the safety of our patrons remains our priority. With caution, research, and commitment, we can move forward in the reimplementation of in-person programming.
To learn more about WALI and the safe reopening of our programs in San Antonio, reach out to San Antonio Project Coordinator Lisa Alvarenga at